Eggs raised freely in the vast mountains are brought to your table

“Floor-rearing” is a rearing method in which chickens are allowed on the ground in a chicken coop. The chickens can move around freely in the coop, take dust baths, and rest their wings on perches. Compared to the “cage-rearing” chickens typically sold at supermarkets, this method of rearing is less stressful for the chickens because they have an environment where they can move around freely to a certain extent.

We will support Japan’s food culture with delicious free-range eggs

In order to deliver safe and secure products to consumers, we are engaged in the production, collection, and storage of PHF/NON-GMO/HQC corn under IP handling of compound feed (strict segregation management from production to transportation).

PHF (Post-Harvest Free)
No pesticides used after harvest or during transportation

Non-GMO/non-genetically modified

HQC (High Quality Corn)
Produced with even more thorough NON-GMO properties (such as planting at least 15m away from regular corn fields) from seed selection to planting, harvesting, storage, and collection.